Rich God Poor God by John Avanzini
Description: A close examination of God’s Word reveals that the children of God are not called to be proprietors: they are called to be faithful stewards. As a mature child of God, you must learn to stop reviewing the redistribution of wealth that God puts under your control as giving. Understand that everything God puts in your control comes as a blessing so that you, in turn, can be a blessing. As a steward of God’s resources, you have the authority and responsibility to attend to others needs just as Jesus did. Jesus made it very clear in John 14:12. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” As you fulfill the desires of the Rich God by properly redistributing His wealth, you will access one of the most powerful keys to unlocking your personal financial success!
- ISBN-10: 1878605437
- ISBN-13: 9781878605436
- Publisher: John Avanzini
- Binding: Hardback
- Pages: 208
- Actual Weight: 1 pound
- Size: Length x Width x Height: 9.25″ x 6.25″ x .75